A Rich Cultural Heritage - A view of a sculpture at Mahabalipuram

A Rich Cultural Heritage

The Great Dravidian Heritage

Art & Architecture and monumental sculptures depicting the great Dravidian culture of South India, during the Pallava Kingdom’s rule with Kanchipuram as its capital,

a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Mahabalipuram, for your view.

A Rich Cultural Heritage - A view of the Seven Pagodas at the Mahabalipuram
The Pagodas
A Rich Cultural Heritage - A skyline of a sculpted temple tower at the Mahabalipuram
One of the tower sculptures of the Pagodas
A Rich Cultural Heritage - A picture of Monolithic Sculptures
Monolithic Sculptures
A Rich Cultural Heritage - A picture of a monolithic cave
A Monolithic Cave

Scriptures or Sculptures?

The epic tale of God Krishna and Kuchela depicted on the wall of the cave.

A Rich Cultural Heritage - A picture of Cave Sculptures of Lord Krishna and his friend Kuchela
God Krishna and his childhood friend, Kuchela

Period:  It is an ancient historic seaport (town) during the time of Periplus, 1st century CE, and Ptolemy, 140 CE.

Location:  Chennai, India

Inspired by https://dailypost.wordpress.com/photo-challenges/heritage/



Daily Prompt Wonder

Bullie & Baarbie


20 thoughts on “A Rich Cultural Heritage”

  1. Nagareshu Kanchi, the punyasthalam, is a piece of Heaven on Earth, also where the Ultimate Supreme Power, Vishnu, resides!!! It is my bhagyam to ‘inherit’ it as my maternal ancestors’ native place. 🙏


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